Post 9: Scorpion & Chieftain

Above are a couple of screenshots showing the textures for the new vehicles.

Here you goes go, I finished the textures for the newly added Scorpion Infantry Tank and the Chieftain Siege Tank as well as editing one of the emblems on the RPG Jeep to suit it more and using the old emblem from said jeep on the Scorpion because I thought it fit more with the dual machinegun design of that tank. That's about it for now, still have plans for other things related to this mod in the future, but I just need to get around to doing them.

I have not forgotten about the optional Warden Marine retexture, I actually have a version of it done and I'm still messing with it. Unfortunately though that one will have to come in two parts because of a mistake I made and I am unable to make it a single pak file. Not only that, but I still want to continue those little lore blurbs that I started doing awhile back, just a matter of getting around to brainstorming it so hopefully soon I'll have one out as well as those Warden Marines. Anyways have a great day guys and I hope you enjoy the new update for the mod!


Mesean Colonial Vehicle Reskin v5 26 MB
Jul 16, 2021
Reforged Warden Vehicle Reskin v5 55 MB
Jul 16, 2021

Get The Legions of Conquest & An Empire Reforged | A Foxhole Reskin Mod


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when the reskin mod makes better skins than the devs smh