Post 10: Updated Uniforms & New Vehicles

Above are a couple of screenshots showing the textures for the new Colonial tank (I couldn't get one of the new Warden tank, but it is retextured to match my other ones) as well as how all the armored vehicles look now.

Hey y'all I've finally gotten around to uploading the new textures for the new uniforms and the new vehicles. Above you can see the new tank with my retexture and how my armored vehicles will be looking from now on. The reason I decided to change their color was because I started to realize how much the previous brown color looked like rust and I decided to change it to something that looked that'd fit more with the environment and possibly the environment the Colonial forces usually deploy into. So now it's like a desaturated mustard yellow.

As for the uniforms, you can see example screenshots of how they look on the main page for the mod, I hope you guys enjoy and I'll continue to work on this mod as more stuff is added to the game!

So I decided against the Warden Marine mod for the time being, especially since the new models and textures came out for the uniforms which made the old textures incompatible with the newer models/textures. What I think I'll do is make the Warden scout uniform look like a marine uniform, so far that's sort of what I've done with the Colonial scout uniform, I've made them a green uniform like the green i gave my Colonial Marine mod. Either way more updates related to both of those will come later, have a good day guys! 


Mesean Colonial Uniform Retexture v3 8.5 MB
Sep 22, 2021
Mesean Colonial Vehicle Retexture v5 22 MB
Sep 22, 2021
Reforged Warden Uniform v3 7.1 MB
Sep 22, 2021
Reforged Warden Vehicle v5 26 MB
Sep 22, 2021

Get The Legions of Conquest & An Empire Reforged | A Foxhole Reskin Mod

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