Post 3: Radio Backpacks

So I changed my mind a bit about holding back updates to the pak/mod in regards to the devs and their new security changes (mainly because I really enjoy working on this mod) and I've uploaded updated version of both the Mesean Colonial Uniform & Reforged Warden Uniform paks that include retextured radio backpacks for both factions. Unfortunately since radio backpacks haven't been unlocked for both factions this war I can't showcase how they look on the character models in-game, but I can show how they look in UEViewer.

So here you guys go and don't forget to replace the ones you are currently using with the updated ones if you want to see the new radio backpacks in-game and thanks for reading!

Direct downloads to the updated version are on the main page and at the bottom of this post.

I've finished the Colonial vehicle retextures/reskins and will be uploading them alongside another post in the next day or two, so keep an eye out for that!


Mesean Colonial Uniform Reskin 2.5 MB
Nov 22, 2020
Reforged Warden Uniform Reskin 1.8 MB
Nov 22, 2020

Get The Legions of Conquest & An Empire Reforged | A Foxhole Reskin Mod


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is there a way to only get the Radiobackpack? Looks so damn awesome!

Which one in particular are you looking for, the Colonial one or the Warden one? I could whip up a pak when I have sometime later today or tomorrow for you.