The Legions of Conquest 1 - A Brigand's 'Report'

| A Brigand's 'Report'

A letter from a recently deployed Mesean legionnaire as he details his initial experiences in the Velian-Caoivish Theatre to his beloved wife.

My Dear Amara,

My Legion the Bomastone Brigands, as many of us are grenadiers it seemed fitting, has been reassigned to the Velian Theatre. Of all my time in service of the Legion I have never seen a war so personal, bloody, and full of hate. Lest it be from hulking war machines to gas that melts the eyes and lungs, the Caoivish pose a greater threat than ever thought before.

The Velians my dear, I am no longer certain of their humanity. And I fear that one day on the line will leave us like them, an army of misshapen ghosts. As we are driven to forward forts to embark on our crusade we drive ever closer to a miasma of death and decay, a miasma that can be seen in the fiery eyes of every Velian legionnaire. Any assumption or inference that the Mesean legions would bring a swift end to this bloody conflict were crushed once we arrived at the front. To us this war is simply about the Senate’s will, however to the Velians it is something else entirely, a great struggle of cultures and peoples. 

It was this intense anger and violence that manifested itself in the words of the Velian Legate welcoming us in Feirmor. The Velians, who doubt our abilities, whisper it under their breath, just as it is now blazed in the heads of me and my fellow Meseans:

“Their Empire is Dying. Cities of metal and turning wheels, countless lives bound in chains of lies, united by one certainty. All shall fall under the tide of our legions, all shall receive a swift liberation from their miserable lives. And now, by the will of the Senate, and our Republic, we shall be the heralds of that truth. The cities of Caoiva shall weep, the fields of Soravia shall rot, and when their forges are cold, and their soldiers call out for mercy, we will be there to welcome them.”

As I write this to you Amara, you must understand, the Caoivish we fight today are not the same as the Caoivish that once held their great trading state. These Caoivs are different—equally fanatic to the Velians and I soon fear also my Mesean brothers, charged with a zealous duty to die for their Archeon, they shall receive no mercy at the hands of the I or the Velians. 

Morior Invictus my love.

I apologize for the radio silence, I was busy with college classes and other things that I took interest in, but during that time I have been steadily working on the mod. I have textures for all the new vehicles added and a few more things as well in relation to this newest update (Winter Army) so I'll be updating the mod within the next day or two. In the meantime I hope you enjoyed this second entry of lore for the mod and as always I gotta thank my friend, MyManMarx for putting together some amazing writing.


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